Frederick Koch, Who Spurned Family Business, Dies at 86, New York Times, Katharine Q. Seelyet
Conservative Koch-backed group endorses 5 Dallas-area GOP lawmakers in battle for Texas House, Dallas Morning News, James Barragán

Tax Dodges Of The Super Rich, DC Report, David Cay Johnston
Documents Show Koch Network’s ‘Structure of Social Change’ in Action, DeSmog, Ben Jervey
Guns, Climate Denial and Conspiracies: Al Jazeera Captures Australian Far Right Political Figures Meeting Koch Industries, DeSmog, Graham Readfearn
Conservatives Pushed a Strategy to Weaken Home Health Care Unions, the Trump Administration Bit, The Intercept, Rachel M. Cohen & Nick Surgey
David Koch’s Most Significant Legacy is the Election of Donald Trump, The Intercept, Lee Fang
“Kochland” Examines the Koch Brothers’ Early, Crucial Role in Climate-Change Denial, The New Yorker, Jane Mayer
David Koch, Billionaire Who Fueled Right-Wing Movement, Dies at 79, New York Times, Robert D. McFadden
Opinion: David Koch was the Ultimate Climate Change Denier, New York Times, Christopher Leonard
David Koch, billionaire industrialist who influenced conservative politics, dies at 79, Washington Post, Bill Hewitt
David Koch’s Heirs Will Enjoy the Biggest Tax Loophole Nobody Talks About, American Prospect, Alexander Sammon
David Koch Is Gone, but His Pipelines Are Here to Stay, The New Republic, Nick Martin
Does this research have an agenda? Inside Higher Ed, Colleen Flaherty

As Pompeo Rounds Out Trump Administration, Perils for Climate, Republic Report, David Halperin
Inside the Koch Family’s 60-Year Anti-Union Campaign That Gave Us Janus, In These Times, Lisa Graves
State Propaganda: EPA Cites Koch-Funded Article to Attack Climate Report, Sludge, Alex Kotch
Charles Koch Is Funding Rightwing, Pro-Trump Media, New Disclosure Reveals, Sludge, Alex Kotch
Donor Influence at George Mason Finally Exposed, UnKoch My Campus, Sam Parsons, Allison Pienta, & Ralph Wilson
What Charles Koch and Other Donors to George Mason University Got for Their Money, New York Times, Erica L. Green and Stephanie Saul
One Koch Brother Forces the Other Out of the Family Business, The New Yorker, Jane Mayer
After Donation Administered by Federalist Society Leaders, GMU Hired Professors Tied to…the Federalist Society, TYT Investigates, Alex Kotch
Koch vs. California: These Groups Are Pushing Pruitt to Undo the State’s Right to Regulate Auto Emissions, DeSmog, Ben Jervey
How Charles Koch Is Helping Neo-Confederates Teach College Students, The Nation, Alex Kotch
Koch Document Reveals Laundry List of Policy Victories Extracted from the Trump Administration,Intercept, Nick Surgey and Lee Fang
The Koch network’s integrated strategy for social transformation, OpenSecrets, Will Lennon

The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Plan for America, Moyers & Co., Kristin Miller
How Trump Learned to Love the Koch Brothers, Mother Jones, Andy Kroll
Koch Dark-Money Operative Is Trump’s Liaison to Congress, Moyers & Co., Richard Eskow
Kochs Bankroll Move to Rewrite the Constitution, PR Watch, Alex Kotch
While Trump Blusters, Koch Brothers Get Their Way, Republic Report, David Halperin
Corruption in Action: Koch Brothers Positions Themselves for a Mar-a-Lago Chat with Trump, Republic Report, David Halperin
Koch Brothers’ Internal Strategy Memo on Selling Tax Cuts: Ignore the Deficit, The Intercept, Lee Fang & Nick Surgey
Charles Koch Gave $50 Million To Higher Ed In 2016. What Did He Buy?, International Business Times, Alex Kotch
How the Koch Machine Quietly Pushed for the Dakota Access Pipeline and Stands to Profit, DeSmog, Steve Horn
Charles Koch Ramps Up Higher Ed Funding to Fuel ‘Talent Pipeline’, PR Watch, Alex Kotch
What to do when you encounter science denial at the science Museum, PolluterWatch / Greenpeace USA, Hui Liu
Investigation Reveals the Extent the Koch Empire Is Willing to Go to Take Over a University, Alternet, Alex Kotch

How Charles Koch Backed the John Birch Society at the Height of Its Attacks on Martin Luther King, PR Watch, Lisa Graves
In Koch World ‘Realignment,’ Less National Politics, National Review, Tim Alberta and Eliana Johnson
Charles Koch’s Very Questionable 6-Step Guide to Founding a Free-Market Center at Your University, Alternet, Alex Kotch
To Charles Koch, Professors are Lobbyists, Greenpeace USA / HuffPost, Connor Gibson
To Charles Koch, Universities Are Propaganda Machines, Greenpeace USA / HuffPost, Connor Gibson
Trump Hands The Department Of Education Over To Koch Network, UnKoch My Campus / HuffPost, Ralph Wilson & Connor Gibson
New Koch, The New Yorker, Jane Mayer
Behind the retreat of the Koch brothers’ operation, Politico, Ken Vogel
Koch donors uncloaked, Politico, Ken Vogel and Mike Allen
The Koch intelligence agency, Politico, Ken Vogel
Koch-Backed Group Breaks Up Its Intelligence Unit, New York Times, Maggie Haberman
The Kochs Are Ghostwriting America’s Story, Moyers & Co., Michael Winship
Colonial Pipeline explosion: largest shareholder Koch Industries not liable for deadly blast,, Christopher Harress
A whistle-blower accuses the Kochs of “poisoning” an Arkansas Town, The New Yorker, Jane Mayer
What Happened to Jane Mayer When She Wrote About the Koch Brothers, New York Times, Jim Dwyer
New Koch-Funded Group ‘Fueling US Forward’ Aims to Promote the “Positives” of Fossil Fuels, DeSmog, Sharon Kelly
The “Invisible Hand of Charles Koch” Is Why This George Mason University Student Left Economics, UnKoch My Campus / HuffPost, Mark Hammond & Connor Gibson

Charles Koch has no plans to back a candidate in Republican primary, USA Today, Fredreka Schouten
Smithsonian Stands By Wildly Misleading Climate Change Exhibit Paid For By Kochs, ThinkProgress, Joe Romm
Charles Koch gave $90 million to influence higher ed in the South, Facing South, Alex Kotch
How One Community Is Kicking The Koch Brothers’ Harmful Black Dust Out Of Their Neighborhood, HuffPost, Joseph Erbentraut
Koch Brothers’ Higher-Ed Investments Advance Political Goals, Center for Public Integrity, Dave Levinthal
How the Koch network rivals the GOP, Politico, Ken Vogel
Secret Koch memo outlines plans for 2016, Politico, Ken Vogel
The Koch Self-Interest in Criminal Justice Reform Exposed, PRWatch, Lisa Graves and Brendan Fischer
Exclusive: Koch Industries Lobbying Europe on Environment, Energy, and Free Trade, DeSmog, Kyla Mandel
Charles Koch’s Cut-and-Paste Attack on Clean Energy in North Carolina, Greenpeace USA / HuffPost, Connor Gibson
Charles Koch Admits Climate Change is Real, Greenpeace USA / HuffPost, Connor Gibson
A Koch Industries Lobbyist Took My Phone!(VIDEO), Greenpeace USA / HuffPost, Connor Gibson

Quixotic ’80 Campaign Gave Birth to Kochs’ Powerful Network Image, New York Times, Nicholas Confessore
Who Controls the Kochs’ Political Network? ASMI, SLAH and TOHE, ProPublica, Kim Barker and Theodoric Meyer
Inside the Koch Brothers’ Toxic Empire, Rolling Stone, Tim Dickinson
The Koch Cartel: Their Reach, Their Reactionary Agenda, and Their Record, The Progressive, Lisa Graves
Inside the Koch data mine, Politico, Ken Vogel and Mike Allen
The Koch Brothers’ Fake Libertarianism: War, Forced Pregnancies, and Homophobia, VICE, Lee Fang
The Koch Network: A Cartological Guide, OpenSecrets, Robert Maguire
Caught on Tape: What Mitch McConnell Complained About to a Roomful of Billionaires, The Nation, Lauren Windsor
Mike Pence’s Koch advantage, Politico, Ken Vogel and Maggie Habberman
Why are the Kochs giving $25 million to poor black college students?, Grist, Brentin Mock
New Leak Reveals Luxembourg Tax Deals for Disney, Koch Brothers Empire, International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, Alison Fitzgerald & Marina Walker Guevara
Inside the $400-million political network backed by the Kochs, Washington Post, Matea Gold and Cristina Rivero
Inside the Koch Brothers’ Secret Billionaire Summit, The Nation, Lauren Windsor
How Dark Money Flows Through the Koch Network, ProPublica, Al Shaw, Theodoric Meyer, Kim Barker
Koch Foundation Proposal to College: Teach Our Curriculum, Get Millions, Center for Public Integrity, Dave Levinthal
Like His Dad, Charles Koch Was a Bircher (New Documents), PRWatch, Lisa Graves
Koch High: How The Koch Brothers Are Buying Their Way Into The Minds Of Public School Students, HuffPost, Christina Wilkie and Joy Resmovits
Koch-backed political network, built to shield donors, raised $400 million in 2012 elections, Washington Post, Matea Gold
The Koch Brothers Left a Confidential Document at Their Donor Conference, Mother Jones, Daniel Schulman and Andy Kroll
Charles Koch Personally Founded Group Protecting Oil Industry Hand-Outs, Documents Reveal, Republic Report, Lee Fang
Billionaire Koch brothers are big oil players in Alberta, Toronto Star, Olivia Ward
Top Koch Strategist Argues The Minimum Wage Leads Directly To Fascism, HuffPost, Lauren Windsor
A battle is looming over renewable energy, and fossil fuel interests are losing, Washington Post, Steve Mufson & Tom Hamburger
Connecting the Dots: How Fossil Fuel Interests Are Funding State RPS Battles, Greentech Media, Jim Montgomery
As Reason’s editor defends its racist history, here’s a copy of its holocaust denial “special issue”, Pando, Mark Ames

Koch Industries funds ALEC and State Policy Network Front Groups to Kill Kansas Clean Energy Standard, Greenpeace USA / PolluterWatch, Connor Gibson
Koch World Reboots, Politico, Ken Vogel
Koch pledge tied to Congressional climate Inaction, The New Yorker, Jane Mayer
A word from our Sponsor: Public television’s attempts to placate David Koch, The New Yorker, Jane Mayer
A Black Mound of Canadian Oil Waste Is Rising Over Detroit, New York Times, Ian Austen
New List of Dark Money Shell Groups Linked to the Kochs, PRWatch, Lisa Graves
The Kochtopus vs. Murray N. Rothbard, LewRockwell, Part II, David Gordon
Ohio Clean Energy Still in Koch & ALEC Crosshairs, Greenpeace USA / PolluterWatch, Connor Gibson

The Battle for the Cato Institute, Washingtonian Magazine, Luke Mullins
Koch Brothers – Exposed!, Rolling Stones, Julian Brookes
Koch Brothers’ Political Activism Protects Their 50-Year Stake in Canadian Heavy Oils, InsideClimate News, David Sassoon
Inside Koch World, Politico, Ken Vogel and Tarini Parti
Koch brothers sue for control of Cato Institute, Washington Post, T.W. Farnam
CMD Special Report: New Documents Confirm Koch Was on ALEC Crime Task Force Led by NRA, PRWatch, Lisa Graves
ALEC’s Gun Agenda Flourished with Koch Industries on Board, Along with Other Koch Groups, PRWatch, Lisa Graves
Heartland Institute Founder David Padden Grovels for Master Charles Koch, The Exiled, Mark Ames

The Koch Brothers: Dark Lords of Derivatives, The Exiled, Yasha Levine
Anti-war Libertarians Charles and David Koch Love Profiteering Off America’s War Machine, The Exiled, Yasha Levine
How Koch Industries Makes Billions By Demanding Bailouts And Taxpayer Subsidies (Part 1), ThinkProgress, Lee Fang
How Koch Industries Makes Billions Corrupting Government And Polluting For Free (Part 2), ThinkProgress, Lee Fang
How Koch Became An Oil Speculation Powerhouse, ThinkProgress, Lee Fang
Koch Fueling Far Right Academic Centers At Universities Across The Country, ThinkProgress, Lee Fang
Weekly Standard Publishes Hagiography To Koch Brothers, Doesn’t Disclose Financial Ties To Kochs, ThinkProgress, Lee Fang
Right-Wing ‘Journalists’ At Secret Koch Meeting Make A Living Defending Unlimited Corporate Political Money, ThinkProgress, Lee Fang
David Koch Claims He Doesn’t ‘Directly’ Support Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, ThinkProgress, Lee Fang
The Contango Game: How Koch Industries Manipulates The Oil Market For Profit, ThinkProgress, Lee Fang
John Birch Society Celebrates Koch Family For Their Role In Founding The Hate Group, ThinkProgress, Lee Fang
Tea Party Billionaire David Koch Disses Donald Trump As Motivated By Publicity, ‘Not Qualified’, ThinkProgress, Lee Fang
Walker And Prosser Crushed Regulations On Koch Industry’s Phosphorus Pollution In Wisconsin, ThinkProgress, Lee Fang
Tea Party Billionaire David Koch Hosted One Of Mitt Romney’s First Fundraisers For 2012 Campaign, ThinkProgress, Lee Fang
After Lobbying To Kill The Stimulus, Koch Meeting Attendees Guarded By Police Saved By Stimulus, ThinkProgress, Lee Fang
Koch Brothers Flout Law Getting Richer With Iran Sales, Bloomberg Markets Magazine, Asjylyn Loder and David Evans
The Koch Brothers’ Million-Dollar Donor Club, Mother Jones, Gavin Aronsen
Exclusive Audio: Inside the Koch Brothers’ Secret Seminar, Mother Jones / Bradblog, Brad Friedman
Audio: Chris Christie Lets Loose at Secret Koch Brothers Confab, Mother Jones / Bradblog, Brad Friedman
Why the Koch Brothers Went After Murray Rothbard, LewRockwell, David Gordon
Charles Koch to Friedrich Hayek: Use Social Security!, The Nation, Yasha Levine and Mark Ames
ALEC Exposed: the Koch Connection, The Nation, Lisa Graves
A CMD Special Report on ALEC’s Funding and Spending, PR Watch, Lisa Graves
Koch’s Web of Influence, Center for Public Integrity, John Aloysius Farrell
Since 9/11, Koch Industries Has Fought Against Tougher Government Rules on Chemical Plants, Center for Public Integrity, John Aloysius Farrell
The Kochs fight back, Politico, Ken Vogel
The battle to define the Koch brothers, Politico, Ken Vogel
Koch brothers: secretive billionaires to launch vast database with 2012 in mind, The Guardian, Ed Pilkington
Scott Walker Runs on Koch Money, PRWatch, Lisa Graves
The Kochs’ Democratic enforcer, Politico, Ken Vogel
Rove vs. the Koch brothers, Politico, Ken Vogel
AFP Wisconsin ballots have late return date, Politico, David Catanese
Koch brothers quietly open lobbying office in downtown Madison, Madison Cap Times, Judith Davidoff
Big Brothers: Thought Control at Koch, The Nation, Mark Ames and Mike Elk
Empire Building, Texas Observer, Yasha Levine (history of Charles Koch’s grandfather, Harry Koch)
Koch Industries: The 100-Million ton Carbon Gorilla, ThinkProgress, Brad Johnson
Scott Brown Begs David Koch For Money, ThinkProgress, Brad Johnson

7 Ways the Koch Bros. Benefit from Corporate Welfare, The Exiled, Yasha Levine
A People’s History of Koch Industries: How Stalin Funded the Tea Party Movement, The Exiled, Yasha Levine
Koch Leaves Federal Cancer Panel as Groups Urge Ethics Probe, E&E Publishing / New York Times, Elana Schor
Must-see video: Polluter-funded Smithsonian exhibit whitewashes danger of human-caused climate change, ThinkProgress, Joe Romm
Covert Operations: The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama, The New Yorker, Jane Mayer
MEMO: Health Insurance, Banking, Oil Industries Met With Koch, Chamber, Glenn Beck To Plot 2010 Election, ThinkProgress, Lee Fang
From Promoting Acid Rain To Climate Denial, Over 20 Years Of David Koch’s Polluter Front Groups, ThinkProgress, Lee Fang
Secretive Right-Wing Plutocrats Use Front Groups To Attack New Campaign Finance Disclosure Bill, ThinkProgress, Lee Fang
Meet Mike Pompeo: The Congressional Candidate Spawned By The ‘Kochtopus’, ThinkProgress, Lee Fang
Video Disputes Billionaire Koch’s Claim that he is not involved in Tea Party, HuffPost, Kevin Grandia
Koch Industries Tells Its 80,000 Employees: Global Warming Is A Hoax, ThinkProgress, Brad Johnson
Industry Opposes ‘Monumental’ Expansion of CFTC Power, Bloomberg, Asjylyn Loder

GOP Team At American Energy Alliance Runs ‘Energy Town Hall’ Oil Bus Tour, ThinkProgress, Brad Johnson
Koch’s MPC line spills 210,000 gallons of crude oil in central Minnesota, Energy Pipeline News, Noel Griese
Debunking the “Spanish Jobs Study”: 9 Inconvenient Truths You Should Know About, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Pete Altman
Who are these guys? Yet more polluter-funded front groups hit the climate scene, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Pete Altman
Spain Rejects Calzada “Spanish Jobs” Study, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Pete Altman
US Gov’t Debunks “Spanish” Study Promoted by Big Oil Bus Tour, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Pete Altman
Another response to the “Danish” Wind Study, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Pete Altman
Think-tank behind “Danish” Wind Study Tied to Polluter Funding, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Pete Altman
The Danish Wind Experience: Truth and Fiction, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Samir Succar
Exposing the Rightwing PR Machine: Is CNBC’s Rick Santelli Sucking Koch?, The Exiled, Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Cash-Roots, Hot Air, and Manufactured Anger over Health Care, PRWatch, Lisa Graves
The Big Money behind Americans for Prosperity, DeSmog Blog, Kevin Grandia
Spontaneous Uprising? Corporate Lobbyists Helping To Orchestrate Radical Anti-Obama Tea Party Protests, ThinkProgress, Lee Fang
Astroturf In Action: Right-Wing Billionaire David Koch Pays For 40 Buses To Haul In Protesters, ThinkProgress, Lee Fang
Op-ed: In glitzy shadows, a health reform foe lurks, Boston Herald, Lee Fang
A Case Of Classic SwiftBoating: How The Right-Wing Noise Machine Manufactured ‘Climategate’, ThinkProgress, Lee Fang
Right-Wing Billionaire David Koch Funding SwiftBoat Campaign Against Global Warming Science, ThinkProgress, Lee Fang
Conservative Mainstays and Fledgling Advocacy Groups Drive Health-Reform Opposition, Washington Post, Dan Eggen and Philip Rucker
The Danish Wind Study Spin that Blows, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Pete Altman
NAM/ACCF: Distorting their own distorted analysis of climate legislation, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Laurie Johnson
AMERICANS FOR the PROSPERITY of Koch Industries, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Pete Altman
New Group Tied To Oil Industry Runs Ads Promoting Drilling, Attacking Democrat, NPR, Will Evans
Nancy Pfotenhauer, McCain’s Dirty Energy Spokeswoman, ThinkProgress, Brad Johnson
Private Enterprise: Charles Koch applied the “science of liberty” to become one of the world’s richest men, (archive), Wall Street Journal Opinion , Stephen Moore

Koch’s Low Profile Belies Political Power, Center for Public Integrity, Bob Williams and Kevin Bogardus
Blood and Oil: Brothers’ Feud Exposes Allegations Of Fraud, Sunday Morning, CBS News
Oil Slick: How to choke off clean air with independent expenditures, Mother Jones, Romesh Ratnesar and John Cook